Jun Iida (en)


27 years old


Japan Nagasaki

Place of residence

Dubai / Tokyo





Companies to which we provide technological development (some excluded)

Career Summary

2014 Graduated from Toshiba Mechanical Engineering School, Mechanical Engineering, CNC control by C language, etc.

2016 Participated in the WorldSkills Competition in the mechanical field as a representative of Toshiba and Kanagawa Prefecture, and placed 6th in Japan

2018 Engaged in application development as a freelancer Started a food-related YouTube (90,000 subscribers / currently suspended due to specialization in Web3)

2019 Started a business in blockchain-related services In the same year, went bankrupt, incurred debt, and experienced homelessness

2020 Completed debt repayment and provided development support in the blockchain tech area to various companies

2022 Angel invested in several web3 related companies

2023 Participated as a founding member in the GameFi project started by a founding member of an overseas exchange.
